The Peruvian government requires that the passport data of all customers be kept by companies in the tourism industry for at least 5 years. We want to replace the manual printing and archiving of this data with a digital solution. The main advantages of this would be the drastic reduction in paper waste and the ease at which each customer’s data could be accessed.


To develop a generic Digital Passport Safe for a holding company with multiple tourism businesses in Peru. For each tour booked by agencies, the data of the client is automatically sent to a secure cloud-based Digital Passport Safe. Attachments of photocopied passports and legal documents like the TAM will also be supported.


The data is securely stored in a cloud-based application which can be accessed remotely via an internet connection. This data is then safely backed up for long-term archiving.

Thanks to the organized electronic filling and powerful built-in search engine, it is very easy to find the data of a particular client.

Thanks to its API, it is also possible to integrate other applications.

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